Sunday, December 13, 2015

First Step

"Being an artist is same as being a wizard...only instead of a wand you use a pencil for your magic"

As a child I was surrounded by relatives and friends with a keen talent in different domains. I was not that bright as a student during my school. Like any other kid, after coming from school was to explore on what I liked the most.

I was ever keen in using a pencil and draw anything around me. I doodled on every empty spot of whatever paper I could get my hands on. As time passed I improved over my skills from the help of my mother. In our free time she use to help me fill color in the shapes, to help me color in one direction, directing me not to let the crayon cross the boundary of the drawing. This was the first step towards improving my hands over using crayons. I use to draw unrealistic drawing. I use to imagine all kinds of strange things to show it on a piece of paper. 

As an elementary school student I cherished every moment of art class. Art teachers always dictated both the subject and medium of every art project instead of giving free reign to our artistic talents. Fortunately, my love for art compelled me to pursue my talents outside the classroom.

It all started in Grade 3 that I started participating in art events. Winning was never my motto as I only enjoyed drawing on blank sheet.   

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