All we have to decide is what to do with the time that has been given to us
I still remember the day in the year 2000 when I started with the class that I felt was the most interesting one was the
Art Class that I undertook besides my studies. I liked it because it taught me innovative methods, relaxed my mind and enhanced creativity in me. The art class was near the Kalptaru, Ellora Park. My mother use to drop me to the class and pick me up. It was after a year that I got my new bicycle and I use to ride all the way to my class by myself.
The class was for an hour and I enjoyed the class particularly because I was learning something new beyond what I already knew. I knew the basic coloring techniques, since I had interest for the work, so when I got to learn new techniques it heightened my spirits. I knew simple flat coloring an apple in red, but the class taught me to shade them in a better way.
When you do something that you really enjoy, your mind never feels the pain of accomplishing it. Furthermore such activity could replenish energy in the human body system and one could then work better with a complex job.
My art teacher(Anjali ma'am) took classes at her home and we were made to sit in a separate room which was later named the art room by our teacher. The room had small tables, a table for each student. we use to sit down on floor with our favorite table any where we liked sitting with our book and colors and other stuffs. I always choose the place near the balcony. The balcony was wide,open and cool breeze use to circulate in the whole room. After a year one of my friend from the same society joined me for the class. From then we started going together. Though being friends we never sat together in the class. Very soon that I noticed a drastic improvement in my art. I no longer used flat color, instead I improvised over shading skills, sharp strokes of pencils, choosing of colors. I was able to link methods I knew with the new techniques to create my own innovative work. From drawing to coloring, to shading, to painting the next step was the pencil shading. Pencil shading was totally new concept. no use of color, instead only pencils for different shades. At first it was not that easy to shade with pencils representing the lighter shades, the darker shades, the light effect. Slowly and gradually things started working out.
The art class gave me opportunities to take part in events, competitions. The art class proved to be highly enjoyable and fruitful. It rejuvenated and instilled creative thoughts in my mind.The art class opened up a new method of art and thereby triggered my power to think.